OOOHHHH the fun I'm going to have.......

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hey everyone!! So the flight to get here to Nairobi was interesting. I was basically on a plane from 9 am until 1230 am. With 2 stops but only about an hour lay-over at Addis Abbaba, Ethiopia. It was freezing there too, it was only 17 and coming from 47 I was so cold in the airport. The first night I just went to bed, and forced myself to get up early and go to town. It is not what you really think it's gona be like here. People are very friendly and it is actually a very safe city. You have to be aware there are some purse snatchers around but otherwise everyone wants to know where you are from and what you are doing here. After town I went and lounged by the pool with some drinks and then met a couple local girls who took me out dancing. Oh what a night! Sure fun and found a lot of white people surprisingly!! LOL! And now you guys are going to be jealous. Today getting up with a bit of a hangover was hard, but I had to because I went to an Elephant orphanage. Oh yes, I did..... Soooo cute!!! All the babies have had their mothers killed by either poaching or some illegal way, and this place looks after the babies. The have one as young as 2 months old!! Got good video of them all playing in a puddle with a big bouncy ball after they ate lunch. And I also went to a giraffe park where I got to feed them... soo cool. They are soo big but so gentle.

So now just had dinner at the hotel and going to my tour meeting at 6. Then off tomorrow onto the tour!! Woo hoo!!

Oh and I got a cell phone.... the number is 7 16 813 687. Remember I am 10 hours ahead of you guys right now, so feel free to call but do the math!! You would dial 254 7 16 813 687. They want about $7 a min from the hotel here to call Canada and a cell is just way cheaper and easier to do it this way.

Talk to you all when I get a chance, love ya all miss ya tons!! Hope my bubba is doing well?


Anonymous said...

Hey Becks,

I am so jealous, totally wish I had the money to go!! Oh well we'll do another big trip next year, maybe not that long tho lol. I can't believe the stuff you've seen and done already and you haven't even been gone that long.
Love you girl, keep it up,


Anonymous said...

wow, that sounds incredible. bubbs is doing great, we are all chipping in to make him happy. i tried to call you but i couldnt get you. partying in africa would have been an adventure all of its own. call me when you can or text and i'll call you back. miss you terribly, and alec is starting to notice your absence. love ya, stay safe!

JEFF said...

wow what a action packed few days, thats sounds soo cool. Im glad to hear you went partying,thats sweet. dont have too much fun because then you will want to stay there and then we will have loose a partying partner. PEG LEG PETE OUT

Anonymous said...

woop woop! Sounds like your having so much fun. Can't wait to see your pics of the elephant orphanage, cute lil gaphers. Keep the stories coming. Love ya! xoxo Melissa

Anonymous said...

Ola Becky,
It's Alex from country hills toyota. Sounds like you are definitely leaving an imprint down there. Great to see that someone cares to make a difference. Your dad must be so proud of you. Take care