OOOHHHH the fun I'm going to have.......

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been soo long since I wrote.. we didn't have any internet in the mountains in Uganda.

So rafting down the Nile was absolutely insane!! When we flipped I thought I was going to die because the water is so strong and turbulent! It was a great day nonetheless! Got a little sunburned, but it's all tanning now.

Then we traveled to the mountains and saw the gorillas... holy cow! You guys are going to love my stories. Let's just say the second in command to the silverback was about an arms length away from me, but he surprised me so I almost peed my pants!! I had tears streaming down my face I was soo scared!! They are breathtaking animals and so passive and peaceful.... as long as you don't startle them haha!

Now we are on route back to Nairobi and then we will go to the Masai Mara village for a few days. The people there are very native and still live like the natives have for centuries. Like they wear loin clothes for clothes and stuff. So that should be really fun and really cool to see the culture!

Hopefully I will be able to get on here a little sooner than how long this took next time. Hope my bubba is doing well.. give him my love!!

Missing you all, love you all!! Talk to you soon!


1 comment:

Jeff said...

As if, you did pee your pants you just don't want to tell everyone. How did the river compare to the pink mt? I thought there were crazy shit in that river like anacondas and suff. Well hope you have been safe and also had alot of fun. Catch you on the flip side Rebecca haha. P.S. Are you sure that silverback did'nt want to mate with you?? Just a little food for thought. Jeff out