OOOHHHH the fun I'm going to have.......

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hey everyone!! So the trip is going good so far... our first day we saw rhinos, giraffes, african buffalo and cows, lots of birds, and baboons and monkeys. No lions or and big cats yet, but that's ok... I sill have lots of time. Our first night we stayed in a national park camping. That was a little nerve-wracking... we didn't see any lions but they are out there! Then we stayed in a campground for one night. And now we are here in Uganda for 3 nights.

The campground is cool though, they always have bars, pools, little shops and proper showers. And you can upgrade from camping to a proper room but we just pitch our tents on the grass. Last night we got here and all got a little silly in the bar.. ha ha didn't go to bed until 4. There was an Irish band playing all night, so it was weird. The bar looks out over a cliff to the White Nile river. I can't even describe the view! There is a white and a blue nile that connect here in Uganda to form the Nile river, that runs all the way through Egypt to the red sea. It's the only major river that runs from south to north in the world. Pretty cool! It was weird getting drunk in a bar in Uganda, looking over the nile river, listening to an Irish band!! HA HA!!

Tomorrow we are going white water rafting down the Nile and the whole thing is either level 4 or 5!!! Woop woop!! It's going to be nuts. Then the day after we head to another town called Kampala, then shortly after that off to seek out the gorillas in the jungle!!

It's stinking hot again... but I'm surviving. Would love to do my hair for once, and maybe put on makeup, but no girls do sooo I fit in at least. lol!!

Miss you all!! Probrably won't be able to write until next week or weekend sometime so don't worry if you don't hear.. I will just be in the middle of nowhere for a while.

Love you all!! Missing everyone tons!!


JEFFREY said...

the raft trip will be a breeze after taking pink mountain in clearwater. Just watch out for paddles. HAHA Im happy to see that you using this blog thing, I would totally forget if i had to. Hope your doing well and cant wait untill your back. Im out chat with ya later. PS hope you see a lion but hopefully its not in your tent.

Anonymous said...

lol, the nile, irish rant soo funny, i damn near died! it sounds like you are having the time of your life. i miss you terribly and am dying for some pics, cant wait til your home. talk to you soon
love ya

Lesley said...

I'm reading the blog, I swear! Seems like there have been some crazy great times already. Take care.

Colin said...

Sounds awesome Becky! Way better than working! Can't wait to see some pictures when you get back!

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky - sounds like you are having a great trip! Just caught up on reading about your adventures. I am still laughing about some of your comments - we will discuss this when you get home! We miss you here too and i am so happy for you that you are having such an amazing time. Looking forward to more updates and take care of yourself!
Susan F.

Amanda said...

Bexs...white water rafting on that river must have a rush. i've only went on the kicking horse in golden and i thought that was awesome. Myb we can set something up in the summer and take our boys. i really hope u dont get ur tent invaded by some crazy ass lion. Had wings with jeremy the other night and i think hes counting down the days until ur arrival at home. ttfn...amanda