OOOHHHH the fun I'm going to have.......

Saturday, March 27, 2010

So we finally made it back to Nairobi yesterday afternoon. After a brutal 3 straight days on the truck. Ugghh!! Not fun at all.

We went to our driver Letaloi's, bar last night for an awesome dinner. We got 2 sheep legs (I know it was a little weird to eat that but it was really good), a bowl of this salsa type stuff, mashed potatoe with sweet corn in it and pumpkin leaves, and this super common dish that is like a flour dough stuff. You eat it all with your hands too, so it was a fun/interesting dinner. Then we all partied it up because Hanco, our trainee tour guide, is leaving us now here in Nairobi. We will only have Richard and Letaloi now, but I'm sure it will still be good fun!

Tomorrow we leave for the Masai Village and stay out there for a few days. We also pick up the rest of the passengers for the tour. We've been pretty spoiled on the truck with only 7 of us for 24 seats. But tomorrow we are going to be at full capacity, which is going to suck I think. Oh well. The Masai people are still really native and tribal, and they live now today as they have for centuries. It should be an interesting few days with them. And hopefully out there we will see some lions!!

Missing home a little now. It's hard to see the poverty everywhere you go and not have it effect you. It definitely makes you appreciate everything you have.. possession wise and also friends and family.

So that's all for today... catch you all again soon!!



Anonymous said...

i cant believe how long you've gone. my goodness. bubs is great mom is painting the house now so thats goin on there and jacks home every night for the bubs. sounds like its been a blast this far. after the tribes whats next? start makin your way to a major city perhaps? hope the bugs havent been too bad lol still gettin random snow here so soak it up while you can......
miss you tons and tons

Jenny Macdonald said...

Wow Becky! I just read your blog. It sounds so amazing! good for you. I hope too see pictures. Best to you and your journey. Jenny and Hailey.

Anonymous said...

Holy moly lady, one month down one to go. I can't wait to hear of everything you'll be doing this month since by the sounds of it last month was crazy. Missing you to peices, can't wait for pics.


Colin said...

Can't wait for you to come home! We'll have to go for a ride on the bikes and get some dinner or something and you can tell Robin and I all about it!

Amanda said...

bexs..a friend of mine just came back from being in mexico for a month working in an orphange. from what she said it really makes u start to appreciate all the finer things that we have. its great to hear that ur having an eye opening experience. ur dad is smiling at u at these moments. hope u can show me some eye opening pictures when u return. i will even buy the beers....amanda

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an amazing Adventure. I am so excited for you. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get home to boring Alberta.
Take care, have Fun and Be safe.

Anonymous said...

woop woop, wow bud, sounds like such an amazing journey so far!! Can't believe a month has already gone by. Your gonna come home with a different outlook on life, I know I always tell you this, but I'm so proud of you! And you know your Pops is too, like one of your other friends commented below - he is smiling down at you :) We will definitely be having some cold one's when you come back - I want to hear all your stories.

Lots of love from Canadaxoxoxo


Anonymous said...

oh yah, forgot to write this in my last post.... thx for the bday wishes. My new saying is that "I'm 25 and holding strong" (got that from Ronnie) lol love ya and keep having fun.

xoxox Melissa

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky! Sounds like lots of new adventures every day - really looking forward to seeing your pictures and hearing all your stories. Bubba went hiking with Jeremy and Steven on Easter Sunday and he looked like he was having a great time in the pics. The boys say Bubba is a machine on the hiking trails! Take care of yourself!