OOOHHHH the fun I'm going to have.......

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hey all!! Right now we are at Kande beach in Malawi. What a place.... we are on Lake Malawi and it has waves crashing the shore like the ocean would. Apparently the lake is 350 km across and 56 km wide or something. We can see Mozambique from our shore, but just the mountains there off in the distance. We've been here a few days and unfortunately a lot of ppl have gotten a bit of a stomach virus. Everyone's been using the toilet.

Just next door to our campground though, is a lady by the name of Robyn Casey. She is a mom of 4 grown children and she is from Australia. She came here in 2004 to do a year long work term with her church and now lives here!! She has built 10 small nursery schools along the beach, where kids come from 7 am to 11 am, and also feeds about 1000 children porridge every morning. She also has a women's weekly meeting on Fridays and the men come on Sunday mornings befor church. They talk about all community issues, with HIV and malnutrition being the biggest concerns. Women will also come by if their children are sick in search of help. AND she has done all of this wonderful work by donation only. She said for as little as $300 a month that will provide breakfast for all 1000 kids or so that come, and keep one nursery school employed and running. She was granted her land from the cheif of the village and it's amazing to see what she has done with the place, all out of the kindness of her heart. She employs 56 local people to help her, and satistics here show that by employing 1 person it effects 40 others. She is amazing. So please check out her website... And you can email her at:

When she first started here the locals called her "mphatso" which she though oh great.. they think I'm fat.... but really mphatso means gift in the local language. Soo sweet.

But we leave this place tomorrow and start our way down to Victoria Falls, Zambia. Sadly I only have 2 nights there and then I leave everyone and fly to Jo'burg. I'm looking forward to having some time on my own and be free to do my own thing for a few days. And I am happy to get out of here soon to see my beloved and my puppy. And yes everyone else too.... lol!! I need to get out of here soon because I'm already going to have to get rid of a lot of my clothes in order to fit all my souveniers ha ha ha!!

Anyways, that's all for now guys... catch ya later!!



Lesley said...

Thinking of you Becks! Can't wait to see you at home!

Anonymous said...

that is amazing, to live there and give fully of yourself like that, what an accomplishment. i assume by beloved you mean me?????? hahaha bubs is doing good, starting to look pretty dirty tho. ha! should be fun for you to clean. the house is almost ready for the market, so jackie and paul are on the hunt.alec has about 3 thousand words so that should blow you away. havent put a dime away for you :( but dont worry your on my mind. miss you tons startin to get pretty boring around here and you can tell bubs misses you. havent got a text or call in a while from ya, you should do that soon! love ya and thinkin of ya.


How much stuff are you bringing back to canada? It must be heavy to pack around with you all day? how many days left untill your back. HAHA i was just thinking because you are so dark you can be my indian friend. PS Nver had one before, its going to be awesome. T2UL JEFF OUT