OOOHHHH the fun I'm going to have.......

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hey all!!! So didn't make it to Coffee Bay when I expected to. I had a bit of a mix up with the Bazbus and ended up taking the Greyhound after 2 nights in Durban. But it was all good in the end. I got to do some laundry in an actual machine, and Felix (Swiss), and Christina (Danish), and I went to the aquarium for the afternoon on the beach. It turned out to be a good day.

So after a long day on a Greyhound, I had another hour and a bit down the worst pothole road in history to get to Coffee Bay. But trust me guys... the wait and the travel was well worth it for sure!! This place is absolutely gorgeous. It's like something out of a movie... Rolling green hills, high as can be, ending in huge black boulders and rock beds that the waves crash into over and over. It's honestly like something out of a movie. Breathtaking!! I was only going to spend 2 nights here but I think I may spend 3. I just can't get over the beauty. The hostel and the poeple working here are great poeple as well!!! Soo nice. Last night we all played a game of killer pool, and then some locals came and had a jam session with drums for us. Sweet!! Tonight is a harvest festival that the locals have so I can see things getting a bit crazy ha ha!!

I have mixed emotions about Capetown though for sure. I have heard so many bad stories and so many good stories as well. Both from locals and from travellers. I guess I will have to wait and see for myself.

That's all for now though, can't wait to see everyone!! I can't wait for my own bed and shower. And to not have to live out of a bag anymore.

Love you all!! Ima go explore the beach some more!!

xoxo B

1 comment:

Sailer Jerry said...

Hope your still kicking ass and taking numbers. WOW it stll sounds cool even after a long trip, i thought it m ight get a litte lame but i guess i was wrong. Play sefe Rebecca. Jeff out