OOOHHHH the fun I'm going to have.......

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey everyone!! I know it's been a while since I posted anything but the internet is getting to be slim pickings these days.

So we spent a night at a snake park in Arusha, Tanzania. It's basically like a zoo for snakes, crocodiles, tortoises and birds. It was neat there because we all played this drinking game and then toured the snakes. It's open untill 3 am.

Then it was off to the Serengeti National park, passing through Ngorongoro Conservation area, where we spent one night in the bush (serengeti). That was a little scary to say the least because you could hear large animals making noise at night!! It almost sounded like they were walking right by the tent. And we couldn't have any food in the tent because the bush pigs will come in to get it. Ahhh!! The serengeti was really cool! There were seriously millions, not thousands, millions of Wildebeast and Zebras in the valley!!! Crazy!!

After 2 nights in the park we moved back to the Ngorongoro. We camped out on the rim of an inactive volcano, that is now just called the crater. That was super nice, the view was amazing. We had a huge male elephant walk right through the camp as well. A little scary but he was playing shy, which was weird because he was soo massive and his tusks were unbeleivable. We toured down into the crater for the next days morning activities, and got to see some more Rhinos and a lion family with 3 big males!! AMAZING!!

Then we were back to the snake park for a night then made the long haul to Dar es Salaam on the Indian ocean. One night there and then on the fairy to the island of Zanzibar, and white sand beaches!!! We spent one night in Stonetown a super Muslim place, and we are just on our second night here at a beach hotel. You guys should see my tan now!! Woop woop!!!

Tomorrow sadly, we go back to the mainland. Boo!! But being on the island was definitely a nice break from tenting. HA HA!!

So that's it for now... I'm still alive, and kicking!! Hope everyone is doing well back home and the baby hasn't forgotten about his favorite aunty?!?!?!? I miss my darling Bubba more than words can tell, but a lot of the places here have pets so it helps. And yes my junks too!!!

Love you all, see you in 25 days!!!! xoxoxoxox

B out!


Anonymous said...

Holy Moly woman!!!
I always have a map of Africa open when you write a blog so I can kinda see where you're at. It sounds like you are having waaayyy too much fun lol. Lions, elephants, hyenas, zebras and monkeys; man what more could a woman seriously ask to see .... wait the men????!
Missing you like crazy its drama fest here (as per usual). Love ya,


Anonymous said...

Holy Moly Woman!!! I think you're having wayyyy to much fun!! Lions, elephants, hyenas, zebras AND monkeys; what more could a woman ask for .... oh wait MEN, any hot ones?????! haha
Missing you alot, you're not missing much here, the same old drama blah blah blah so enjoy the serenity lol
Love ya,


Ithink you should write your own book on what you have seen and done over there. I would'nt read it but other might. HAHA DOUCHE
Glad know you still kicking J BALLS OUT

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky!
Sounds like the fun just never stops - as long as snakes and large predator type animals don't worry you!! Have you picked up any African language skills? Happy to hear the great adventure is such a positive experience - looking forward to seeing you safely back home too!